Letters to the Editor: November 3

Thanks for emergency responders' extra-ordinary kindness.

The Rocky Mountain Naturalists are grateful to the dedicated emergency responders who showed extra-ordinary kindness, courtesy and professionalism, when we called 911 Sunday afternoon, October 25, 2015, from a ridge overlooking Cranbrook.

One of our club members had just suffered a massive heart attack and we were trying to resuscitate him.  The 911 first aid coach, who walked us through 40 minutes of CPR via cellphone on speaker mode, was so calm and competent in his minute by minute instructions that the group of seniors working on their friend were totally confident in what he was saying and what they were doing.  The RCMP member and the two Search and Rescue volunteers, who arrived to interview all 17 of us witnesses and take responsibility for evacuating our friend’s body, were very respectful, organized and efficient.

A final thanks to the STARS helicopter pilot who gave our friend, Peter, the rope swing ride through the sky that Peter, the wildlife biologist, had so often given his beloved mountain sheep.

Frank Hastings, Cranbrook

Cranbrook Daily Townsman