Letters to the Editor: November 5

Congratulations for forward thinking; Remember November 11

‘Bold Change’

Prime Minister Trudeau announced a gender balanced cabinet, and on Wednesday it was sworn in.

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) nationally and the Cranbrook Club congratulates the new government on this forward thinking to help establish true gender equity in Canada.

In 1994, Canada held the highest ranking on the United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI); now we are 23rd-place. Research tells us that when women are in decision making positions, laws and programs that support social justice are more likely. We believe that gender equity at the cabinet table is an important step in helping us gain world respect and change the way domestic issues such as violence against women are resolved – particularly the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women.  With today’s decision we can once again anticipate that Canada will became a world leader.

CFUW continues to work hard to examine and make recommendation to improve outcomes for girls and women at the local, national, and international levels. The Cranbrook Club gives over $3,000 in scholarships and bursaries from funds raised at our Annual Artisan Bazaar each year because we believe that education for women is an essential element in ending poverty of Canadian families. We know that to restore Canada’s reputation and standing in the world we needed a change; both symbolic and profound. We believe that the new voices at the cabinet table will help create that change.

Cathryn Henley, President, CFUW Cranbrook Club

November 11

Here it is, barely into November and big business is already at it, inundating us with everything Christmas. Stores are in full Christmas bloom, rapidly pushing the Halloween stuff off the shelves so that they may take advantage of every possible second of commercialism and greed.

Myself, I can take Christmas or leave it. However, it does bother me a lot when it starts on November 1 or even earlier. I mean, how many stupid Christmas movies are out there for us to watch every day of the week. It’s more than a little ridiculous, that’s for sure.

That is not the reason why I wrote this letter.

There is another day that happens before Christmas and it is a far more important day by a long way. That is Remembrance Day. It is November 11, the same day it has been since I was a kid a long time ago but a lot of people don’t seem to care about it. That is so sad. It should take priority over any other day at this time of year. If someone has to tell you why that day is so important then you should give your head a shake.

It bothers me to see such an important day put on the back burner for something as foolish and absurd as Christmas. If the business people of our local communities put Christmas to the side until at least November 12, and promoted the day we were all granted our rights and freedoms, as much as they do for a day well over a month away, things just might be a little better at this time of year.

Just something to think about! Please do it and support your local Legion, especially at this time of year.

Lloyd Freestone, Kimberley

Cranbrook Daily Townsman