Letters to the Editor: Open letter to our birth mother, Keall and Rennie

Janet Keall and Kathie Rennie pen a letter to their birth mother who abandoned them as infants in Prince Rupert.

Dear Mom:

We have come out publicly to find you. We apologize in advance for such a public display; however, we are limited on information, files and your identity. We have had no other choice.

Our public plea to find you has brought out the best in people. The love we feel each day from the people of Prince Rupert, the surrounding areas and the world blows us away. We wonder if you know how many people are rooting for you to come forward. We wonder if you know that people genuinely care.

You left us in healthy bodies and safe places 38 and 40 years ago. Since that time, we have been adopted to wonderful families. We feel truly blessed for our great lives and now we are successful, happy and well adjusted. We are good, honest and caring people.

You may be amazed that we have found our half-siblings. This amazement is also felt by us. We feel so incredibly lucky to have this moment in life to connect and love each other. You can be assured that we are close, loving and caring to one another. You’ve created this legacy of siblingship and love for us. Thank you! On July 17, all three of us (Kathie, Janet and Kevin) came together for the first time with our families and close friends. If only you could have seen the love, compassion and wonder about you in this room. Our families and friends are so thankful that you created our lives. You are loved and accepted by us and everyone that loves and supports us.

As we are mothers, we know the pain you have gone through and the sacrifice you did many years ago. We can’t imagine the difficulty you’ve had over these years of not knowing where your babies went. Our mothers who raised us also share the same thoughts. They want to thank you for our lives and their opportunity to raise us.

As overwhelming as this may be for you to step forward, please realize that this is an opportunity for you to come into our lives and families that only have love for you. We are all aligned to protect your privacy and want to carry out your wishes. You can step forward with an email to janet@rupertsbaby.com or perhaps you want to remain anonymous until legal counsel represents you, of which we will pay for. You can leave a confidential voicemail at 604-260-6890 or email private@rupertsbaby.com.

We want to make this experience as comfortable as possible for you. We have the intention of never releasing your name.

This has always been a private family search of which has only been funded and spearheaded by Janet for the last 20 years. The three of us coming together was born out of Janet’s actions alone – no one else was involved in finding Kathie or Kevin.

We simply want to know who you are. We want to know your name and how we came to be. We want to know how you are doing. If a relationship suits you, then we would be elated. We are not asking for much from you. We want you to be known in our lives.

We ask you to come forward now. We have so long to say thank you. You will be pleasantly surprised. Please trust in us.

Your daughters,

Janet Keall and Kathie Rennie


The Northern View