Letters to the Editor: September 2

Time to support the Kootenay Ice is now; Thank you

Time for support is now

My name is James LeClair and for the last 18 years my wife and I have steadfastly and with pride supported the Kootenay Ice.

18 years ago hockey fans in the Kootenays and in our community of Cranbrook showed their enthusiasm and spirit to do what was required to bring the Ice to town, and all that was required was to show our support. Now through lack of support our teams future to stay in Cranbrook is in Question.

We can’t stop supporting this team because of perceived feelings and attitudes towards present ownership and management. If you love this game and our team the Kootenay Ice, finding excuses not to come out and support the team hurts our community as a whole and enhances the chances of the team leaving Cranbrook.

I am willing to put credit where credit belongs, our present owner and general manager Mr. Jeff Chynoweth and his management team are now and always have been responsible for bringing in each and every fine young hockey player that have been committed to providing our community with an outstanding identity in the junior hockey world and a reputation for a stellar tradition of winning hockey.

My wife and I can’t put a dollar value on all years of pleasure and excitement these fine young players have provided for us over the years. As I have stated before there are many other fans that feel as we do, in my opinion they are the best fans in the league, but we all find it hard for to watch our players play in front of a half empty rink every night. This has really always been about us as fans and having the responsibility for showing strong support for what i think is an important part of our community. The Kootenay Ice has become part of Cranbrook and Cranbrook has become part of the Kootenay Ice, the two do belong together.

I believe the league and the city are working together on finding ways to keep the Ice here. But only strong support from us the fans and better corporate support can make the difference now.

As it was 18 years ago it is still the same today the players of our team need an deserve our strong support.

Consider it this way: (No fan support) = (no money to run the team) = (no Kootenay Ice in Cranbrook)

James LeClair/Cranbrook

Thank you

A huge belated thank you to the many people involved in our medical emergency on St. Mary’s Lake road August 9, 2016.

For the driver of the white logging truck we flagged down who stopped and alerted 911, the ambulance attendants, Cranbrook emergency nurses, and Dr. Falz.

Our heartfelt Thank You

Jim and Barb Campbell/Vernon

Cranbrook Daily Townsman