Letters to the Editor: September 6

Bud Abbott is alive and well, says Bud Abbott; Fear based campaigning; Sammy the Dog

Bud Abbott

Referring to the new book release article in the Townsman, August 30, I was surprised, but not really sorry, to see that Bud Abbott was not among the few local veterans still alive. I have not seen an obituary, and was certainly not expecting to attend a service, but would like to know where to send my condolences.

Yours insincerely,

Bud Abbott, Cranbrook

Fear based campaigning

David Wilks’ letter to the editor (Townsman, August 30) was most aptly titled “Misinformation”. His campaign of “Fear the NDP and Vote for me” has started.

For the record, the BC NDP supports resource industry jobs. As leader John Horgan stated “Our past and our future will be dependent on the development of natural resources” (CBC News, April 12, 2016).

The NDP is a party of working people. A healthy resource industry sector – forestry, mining, agriculture – is critical to the economic well being of this province. In 2016, it is important for political parties to discuss and debate matters pertaining to the economy and the environment and how to manage natural resources sustainably.

Mr. Wilks needs to respect the intelligence of Kootenay East voters and end his campaign of “Be afraid. Vote for me.”

Norma Blissett, Cranbrook

Sammy the Dog

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who generously gave donations to the Steeples Veterinarian Clinic for my little dog Sammy, and thank you to my neighbours who have helped me so much and have been there for me. Sammy is much better, but still may have to have another operation to close the wound in his side.

God bless you all;

Mavis and Sammy, Cranbrook

Editor’s Note: Mavis Kennedy’s little dog Sammy was attacked by a loose dog and badly hurt on Sunday, August 20, in Cranbrook

Cranbrook Daily Townsman