Letters to the Editor: Voting, Economy, Missing/murdered Aboriginal girls/women and Minimum wage

Letters from readers from the Oct. 1, 2015 edition of The Free Press.

Letter to the Editor re: Voting together

In the 2011 federal election, it became clear that two-thirds of Canadian voters wanted Stephen Harper out.

Unfortunately those votes were shared between the Liberals, the Green Party and the NDP, leaving us with a Conservative “majority” government.

Let’s learn from our mistakes, and vote together.

A recent poll by Leadnow places NDP candidate Wayne Stetski tied with incumbent David Wilks, with the Greens and Liberals too far behind to catch up.

If you don’t want another four years of fascist rule under Stephen Harper, it’s time to vote together for change, which, in this riding, means voting for the NDP. If this sounds distasteful to you, consider this: a vote for anyone other than the NDP is the same as marking your ballot for David Wilks, and subsequently Stephen Harper. Not voting could be just as disastrous.

Only by booting the Cons out of power can we move this nation forward with much needed changes such as electoral and senate reform, positive action on climate change, removing bigotry from our government, getting us out of (another) recession, and re-establishing ourselves as a caring and peaceful nation.

On Oct. 19, vote together to oust the Harper government. Vote Wayne Stetski, NDP.

Terry Hume,Sparwood


Letter to the Editor re: The Economy

How many promises does it take to fix the economy? Perhaps none. What is needed is a strategic policy and legislation.

As Neil Macdonald, senior correspondent for CBC News, pointed out in his Sept. 15 article: in terms of affecting the economy, prime ministers get to determine how federal spending is allocated; which is about 15 per cent of the Canadian economy.

Of that, a major portion has been spoken for with items such as equalization payments.

The big player in Canada’s economy is Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz.

What government can do is make policy (legislation) that will help guide industry and investors as they move toward the vision of a new economy.

The tough questions, so far, are not being asked , even by Mr. Mansbridge.

Childcare and minimum living wage are great. What we need answered is how will all these trimmings work in the context of an adversarial political/economic system that must move away from energy sources based on fossil fuels.

Canada would not be the first country to set an economic path that moves away from fossil fuels, we just seem to be very slow to make the big decision to make fundamental changes to our concept of “economy”.

Ron Robinson,Nelson


Letter to the Editor re: Missing and murdered aboriginal women and girls

According to RCMP statistics, 1017 aboriginal women and girls have been murdered or are reported missing in Canada from 1980 until 2012, and that number continues to rise.

The NDP national leader demands a public inquiry. Mulcair doesn’t talk about the $20 to $30 million it will cost. Nor does he reveal the 2 to 3 years of lost time to re-do the multiple studies already done.

Instead, Mulcair uses the unspeakable scourge of missing and murdered aboriginal women and girls to camouflage his attack on the Prime Minister. Mulcair’s behavior reeks of bigotry in pursuit of political gain.

Rather than giving lawyers $30 million to conduct a 3 year commission, the Conservative government refers to “Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: A National Operational Review” for direction. Conservatives recognize Canadians already have a blueprint to move forward.

To empower aboriginal women, Prime Minister Harper created law that brings matrimonial equality to aboriginal women on- and off-reserve.

The Conservative Government is taking important steps to address violence perpetrated against Aboriginal women and girls. The $25 million five-year Action Plan outlines concrete actions to prevent violence, support Aboriginal victims, and protect Aboriginal women and girls from violence.

Together with other federal support for shelters, family violence prevention, and increasing economic and leadership opportunities for Aboriginal women, it will result in an investment by the Government of Canada of nearly $200 million over five years, starting in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. It’s all about choices, real action or squandering $30 million on an NDP study.

Igor GallyamovVia email



Letter to the Editor re: Minimum wage

After working 50 years in Canada as a skilled tradesman, I can not find work. The rate for workers is about $12 an hour. Our politicians are earning at least $50 an hour plus benefits. The money politicians are spending on foreign aid to other countries is out of this world. In the mean time our workers can’t find work.

Our government can spend millions on foreign workers but not on Canadians.

Where is the sense of fair play and justice for senior citizens?  (I would like to speak to any politician about my concerns).

Terence Keith PoultonSparwood


The Free Press