Letters: Townsend junction makes road safer

Sooke letter writer gives a differing opinion on the controversial intersection

Why  the current concern about the improved Townsend and Sooke Road junction?

Since 2011 this reconstructed entry/ exit junction has contributed greatly to the safety of pedestrians due to the two short crossings with an island separation and to motorists with the narrow and well-engineered road lanes and clear visibility. This new junction is a great improvement on the previous intersection.

It seems a vocal group of business people in the small ”marooned”  adjacent shopping centre want this intersection modified, at taxpayer expense, to improve their bottom line by allowing east-bound traffic on busy Sooke Road to make a left turn across the west bound traffic lane to access their establishments. One can sympathize with them to a point, but surely a clear advisory road sign advising east-bound traffic to make access through the Evergreen Shopping Plaza would be more practical and immeasurably cheaper.

Surely, the safety and well-being of pedestrians and motorists should take precedence in this matter. And surely our council should  have consulted all Sooke electors and taxpayers to gauge public opinion on the issue prior to taking any action involving the provincial highway ministry.

Errol  Anderson


Sooke News Mirror