Letters: Trades awareness

EMCS in Sooke is offering free construction project from students

Edward Milne Community School is offering the opportunity for students to gain valuable knowledge and experience toward apprenticeship programs.  Two years ago the school introduced a successful program called T.A.S.K. — Trades Awareness Skills and Knowledge.

T.A.S.K. is an innovative educational partnership between EMCS, School District 62, and Camosun College.  The Program provides students with an opportunity to pursue further training at Camosun College through the South Island Partnership Program (funded by SD62), or a secondary school apprenticeship. Students will explore a variety of trades including carpentry, drywall, electrical, plumbing, painting, metal fabrication, sheet metal, and welding.

T.A.S.K. Program delivery is somewhat different than a regular school program. Students in the Program will have two instructors, one from Camosun College, the other a qualified high school instructor. Students will alternate between Camosun College (for specialized trade instruction), and Edward Milne Community School (daily lessons and hands-on building). T.A.S.K. students earn 32 credits towards graduation, including dual credits with Camosun College. The program will run full time from February to June 2014.

There is demand for qualified trades-people and high schools are working with industry to prepare students to fill these jobs. The T.A.S.K. Program offers the opportunity to explore a number of trades and earn credits toward high school graduation and/or future trades-related education.

Students will be exploring local industries as well as receiving hands-on experience constructing small sheds and other projects as requested.

If you are interested in having the students in this program construct a small project please contact EMCS instructor Blair Hughes, bhughes@sd62.bc.ca or Vice Principal Mike Bobbitt, mbobbitt@sd62.bc.ca for more information.

There are still spaces available for motivated students in the T.A.S.K. program this Spring. Please contact Mike Bobbitt, Vice Principal at Edward Milne Community School, for more information.

Contact information at:  250-642-5211 or mbobbitt@sd62.bc.ca

Blair Hughes


Sooke News Mirror