Letters: Triathlon not worth it

West Coast Road should not be closed for triathlon

In response to Mr. McDonnold’s letters, I too wish to voice my concerns about the road closure in Shirley and area.

During last year’s triathlon there were a few serious accidents and incidences that did not get news coverage, so people are not aware of what actually happened.

Many letters have gone out from me to Mr. Mike Hicks and to Dr. Mortenson regarding our road closure for this sporting event.

My understanding of Sooke’s involvement which assisted in expanding the route into Shirley and Jordan River, is that a very large sum of money,  $20,000+, was paid for the TSN television coverage of this event by the Sooke council.

Jordan River and Shirley’s coastline happen to be the prettiest, therefore a decision was made that our highway would make for better television and will be closed to accommodate the helicopter filming of this event.

There was no input from the Shirley community in any of these decisions.

No other triathlon held in Canada requires any road closures, only in Shirley.

When we finally got to meet with Dr. Matt Mortenson, the triathlon committee and sponsor, the majority, if not all, of the plans and arrangements were already in place.

Mr. Dave Saunders representing Saunders Subaru assured us that if we do not want the triathlon going through Shirley we just need to let him know and he will put a stop to it. I have already sent my request to Mr. Dave Saunders and so have a few others. The Saunders Foundation is donating an AED to Shirley Volunteer Fire Department. A water station was manned by Shirley residents to “earn” this AED.

The Subaru Sooke Triathlon should stay in Sooke and not be allowed to force road closures. Thank you.

Christien Shipton



Sooke News Mirror