Letters: Trust is missing

Trust is missing due to smart meter program foisted on residents

The real underlying issue in the smart meter debate is not about the health and safety of the technology, it is about trust. Many people have lost trust in BC Hydro and the provincial government. The imposition of this technology by the government on the public with no apparent benefit  to the customers, bypassing the Utilities Commission and giving people no choice to opt out compounded by inadequate communications by BC Hydro and contradictory technical expert and authoritative opinions readily available on the Internet have all combined to cause many people to discount anything that BC Hydro, or the government or any other government funded agencies say regarding the safety of smart meters.

It appears that these institutions are no longer working in the best interests of the citizens of British Columbia.

This can only be resolved through an independent open public inquiry into the safety of smart meters and into the conduct of the government and BC Hydro by a citizens panel reporting to the public and the Utilities Commission and funded by the commission.

This is a complex technical issue made more difficult because the emissions may physically affect people differently. There could be some people who are hyper sensitive and others who are not affected at all. The technical issues can be addressed through a panel conducting its own direct tests and a thorough evaluation of the science. It is also a political issue and this will be much more difficult to adequately address but it is essential to try so that actions can be taken to regain the public’s trust in the institutions that govern us.

Don Brown


Sooke News Mirror