Letters: Trustees must care about future

Ask any Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows resident to name a school trustee and most will say the name of a well-known Vancouver trustee.

Editor, The News:

Trustee confusion is rampant.

Ask any Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows resident to name a school trustee and most will say the name of a well-known Vancouver trustee.

So why does everyone know her?

Because she is doing her job: making sure school kids get the best education possible.

She’s frequently in the media and is willing to push the government with demands for more funding. She shows her frustration for the Liberal party, which has reduced education spending by more than $3.3 billion, has sucked B.C. down to $1,000 below the Canadian average per student funding, and is presently spending megabucks on lawyers trying to prove it can change the Canadian Charter of Rights on a whim.

Voters are about to make choices about future trustees and signs, promises and confusion are rampant.

There is an easy solution: find out if the candidate will demand funding or will they doze during board meetings or cry because they feel powerless?

Trustees need to be dedicated to the education of our future citizens.

Think. Question. Decide. Vote.

S. Rosenau

Maple Ridge


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