LETTERS: Turning us into a sea of cement


For over two years, I have fought to save our giant conifers in Grandview Heights.


For over two years, I have fought to save our giant conifers in Grandview Heights.

It has been a depressing job.

The city is determined to urbanize our district, turning it into a sea of cement.

The little replacement ‘stick trees,’ as people call them, do not make up for 100-year-old Douglas firs and western cedars. Nor can they do the essential environmental work of the mature trees.

My battle has, for a large part, been concentrated in Sunnyside Heights, once a glorious district filled with Douglas firs 130 years old. The City of Surrey zoned this special site for high density, no backyards and, certainly, no room for trees. This was a dreadful decision.

But high density yields maximum profit for land owner, developer and city tax base. Everyone is happy!

I am 80 years of age and swear that I have never seen such unbridled greed driving our decisions. It is creating utter havoc and permanent ruination of a once-beautiful, treed neighbourhood.

Sybil Rowe, Surrey



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