Letters: Twaddle and claptrap

Sooke resident locks horns with previous letter writer on BCTF

Nov. 6 referred to my previous letter criticizing Tom Fletcher’s opinion column slamming teachers and their inability to teach employment skills.

Mr. Sketchley attacks my disagreement with Tom Fletcher’s assertion that the BCTF is in a conspiracy to brainwash our students which apparently leaves them without employable skills.

Mr. Sketchley agrees with Tom Fletcher and piles on accusing the BCTF of neo-Marxist lingo like social justice and globalization. Then Mr. Sketchley slams our education system, and teachers for failing to stop bullying in schools. Apparently teachers have a lot to answer for. But Mr. Sketchley bemoans the lack of educational units extolling petroleum products and agricultural productivity.

Well, I can certainly see why Mr. Sketchley and his,”truth about BCTF activities” agrees with Tom Fletcher. However let’s remember that the Ministry Of Education sets curriculae and monitors the success or failure of students to learn the Intended Learning Outcomes.

Mr. Sketchley goes on to say that poverty is not caused by responsible budgets. I couldn’t agree more. It’s irresponsible budgets that have a lot to do with poverty. This is when governments legislate poverty with attacks on wages that increase lines at food banks for the now working poor and sneaky tax increases through fees for just about everything. All this while cutting taxes to business friends who bankroll their election campaigns. The cost of these favours to the likes of “Big Forestry” and “Big Aquaculture” are covered by cutting services to the old, the need, the infirm and the young. Social  justice, Mr. Sketchley, speaks to the these issues and others like abandoning the needs of our war veterans or loading special needs students into crowded classrooms where they will be left behind.

A heathy economy results from a healthy society that is inclusive and does not create winners and losers. This is one goal of schools and is an important conversation to have. A conversation that is not advanced by more twaddle and claptrap.

Ted Roberts


Sooke News Mirror