Letters: U.S.military exercises frightening

Intensive exercises on the Olympic Peninsula will affect Sooke

I am not sure if you are aware but the USA military is planning to do some pretty intensive exercises on the Olympic Peninsula with Growlers from Whidbey Island Naval base and electromagnetic warfare.

This will affect our beautiful little town of Sooke, we are very close as the crow flies and the health and well being of the residents should be considered. People in Port Townsend, Washington are concerned and we are geographically a heck of a lot closer.  We are already affected by mysterious booms and rumbles. People say they are from a metal fusion company in Port Angeles, but the reality is I lived in Port Angeles for sometime and we never experienced any of these booms or rumbles.  We did however experience some weird and scary USA military activities such as being buzzed by a dozen black helos in the middle of the dark night.

I never used to believe in conspiracy theories but the terror that caused the community and directly my own children may have changed my mind a bit. Please read the attached article and let me know what you think the town of Sooke could do to stop this. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/27339-navy-plans-electromagnetic-war-games-over-national-park-and-forest-in-washington-state.

Rachel Lewis


Sooke News Mirror