LETTERS: Unbalanced world views


Re: World leaders talk economic change, March 4.


Re: World leaders talk economic change, March 4.

According to the article, former Israel prime minister Ehud Barak stated that a lesson learned was the absolute speed with which America responded to the crises compared to Europe’s relatively slow response.

Where was he when Lehman Brothers went belly up, thanks in large part to the policies of the-then U.S. president from Texas.

It was the U.K., France and Germany who reacted within hours to avert a complete meltdown of the financial markets. U.S. banks are still being fined now billions of dollars for malpractice.

Looks like the organizers of these ‘summits’ are scraping the barrel.

Who wants to hear from George Papandreou, former prime minister of Greece ? Has that country not caused enough problems and billions in bail outs over the last four years financed by taxpayers in Europe?

Wolfgang Schmitz, White Rock



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