LETTERS: Unpopular oversight

LETTERS: Unpopular oversight

Editor: Re: Pave way to improvements, Aug. 17 letters.


Re: Pave way to improvements, Aug. 17 letters.

Thank you to letter-writer Paul Brinton for bringing up the issue of heavy trucks, excessive speed and noise on 16 Avenue.

He has obviously done some research into this matter.

Our house backs on to 16 Avenue, so I could not agree more! My main concern is with the increase of heavy trucks on 16th, and in particular, the tandem dump trucks, for their sheer numbers and the speed they travel.

Not to mention the noise, vibrations and pollution from old diesel engines.

There is a marked crosswalk, with flashing lights, at 142 Street. Many children use this crosswalk to attend Bayridge Elementary at 1730 142 St. There is also a crossing guard present at peak times of arrival and dismissal at the school.

There is a slight hill down from 144 Street westbound on 16 Avenue.

These trucks come charging down that hill at alarming speed.

If anyone is in the crosswalk, even if the light is red, one of these trucks would not be able to stop in time. If it did, the truck would probably jackknife.

With school starting soon, it is carnage waiting to happen!

It would be wonderful if the trucks went away but that is highly unlikely.

So there has to be some immediate action to mitigate this situation:

• Have the RCMP set up speed traps to enforce the existing speed limits.

• Could the flashing pedestrian light at 142 Street and 16 Avenue be reprogrammed to become a regular traffic light?

These actions would not be popular, but do we have to wait until someone – possibly a child – is killed before something is done?

Diane D. Preston, Surrey

Peace Arch News