
LETTERS: Vaccine cards are dividing British Columbians

'Surely, Dr. Henry knows that there are always exceptions, in most situations'


Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix announced that, in less than a month, B.C. will effectively require COVID-19 vaccine passports for people to participate in many daily activities.

Dr. Henry said that there will be no exceptions. I believe this is a direct violation of our Charter Rights and Freedoms as well as dividing British Columbians over a now-endemic virus.

I am a close friend of a young woman has chosen not to get this experimental vaccine because she is planning to get pregnant. The BC Centre for Disease Control states in its publication, “Planning for your vaccine” – “[w]hile these vaccines have not been yet tested in those who are pregnant or breastfeeding…”, they still claim that the vaccine is safe. How can this be a scientific certainty when there has been no testing done on this group?

This young woman wants to ensure she has a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child by not taking this untested COVID vaccine. In return for her desire for a healthy baby, she will be punished and segregated by the B.C. government.

Surely, Dr. Henry knows that there are always exceptions, in most situations.

No exceptions to taking the vaccine is categorically untrue.

Dr. Henry has effectively set up a vaccine apartheid in British Columbia and is pitting citizens against each other. This is completely unacceptable.

Sandra Gorman, Surrey

Peace Arch News