Letters: Vedder Rotary Trail is not a roadway

Reader urges city hall to keep gate closed to vehicles on Vedder trail.

Re: The closed gate to the Vedder Rotary Trail at Hopedale Road.

Leave the gate closed!

I walk the trail every day and the following improvements have happened.

1.  Much less litter; I pick it up every day and there is 2%-3% of the litter there was in November and December.

2. People can no longer drive onto the bar and so are not leaking lubricants and fuel, which is washed out the first time the river comes up and affects the fish.

3. People no longer can drive down and dump their garbage.  Almost every day I walked prior to the trail being closed in January there were new bags of garbage dumped on the trail which the parks department had to clean up every week.

4. People can no longer camp there and leave a mess.  There was a group in there in late November who left a terrible mess on a weekend.

This is a beautiful natural area. Let’s keep it that way.  We have too few of them.

Also this is the Vedder Rotary Trail, not roadway.


Robert A. Loat

Chilliwack Progress