LETTERS: Veterans abandoned


Canadians should familiarize themselves with the case of Maj. Mark Campbell, a wounded veteran lying in a hospital bed in Edmonton.


Canadians from coast to coast to coast should familiarize themselves with the case of Maj. Mark Campbell, a wounded veteran lying in a hospital bed in Edmonton.

Campbell lost both legs at the knee in Afghanistan when he tried to dismantle an IED that was a threat to other soldiers. For this gallant sacrifice, he’s been advised by the Harper government that he is losing his lifetime pension, which amounts to less than $35,000 a year.

Why, you ask? It is because the “New Veterans Charter” replaced pensions with one-time payments, which have been drastically reduced since 2006.

Campbell is joining seven other veterans in a class-action to sue Ottawa for the benefits they feel they are entitled to.

Sadly, when it comes to the treatment of our veterans by the Harper government, this is what it has come down to. As Canadians, we all take pride in the sacrifice and commitment of our armed forces. So why do we stand by and allow the government to abandon them when they get home?

Ken Hollas, Surrey



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