LETTERS: View from the Prairies


I read in the paper how White Rock wants to build up so they can bring in more people for more tax dollars.


I live in Alberta and come out here four times a year on business.

I read in the paper how White Rock wants to build up so they can bring in more people for more tax dollars. It reminds me of a cattle farm; you can only put so many cows on an acre of land before they start to do harm. If you stop bringing more people in, you would not need more tax dollars.

You should think about preserving your small-town look. It would appeal to the tourist more.

As for Surrey, I read that they are going to spend $200,000 to $300,000 to try to get a ‘yes’ vote. What a waste. Don’t they think people are smart enough to make up their own mind?

I don’t understand why they didn’t put light rail down the centre of the freeway, over the bridge and meet up with your SkyTrain. They could have gone all the way to Langley or further. I guess I am not very smart.

Oh well, at least you have the nice weather.

Terry Sauer, Alberta



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