Letters: ‘We already had a referendum’

It was the election that was won by the Liberals, who promised electoral reform.

Editor, The News:

Re: Town hall meeting on voting system (The News, July 13).

To Mike Murray and his Conservatives: we had a referendum.

It was the election that was won by the Liberals, who promised electoral reform.

The Liberals are now consulting with all people on the best way.

The Conservative demand for a referendum is nothing more than an attempt to delay the reforms that they know will hurt them. It will make it difficult for a right-wing party like the Conservatives to gain power in Canada where progressive voters are the majority.

The religious Conservative right-wing voters have always been a minority of voters in Canada.

Dan Banov

Maple Ridge


Heard of Brexit?

Editor, The News:

Re: Town hall meeting on voting system (The News, July 13).

So Mike Murray thinks we should have a referendum on the subject of how we vote.

I think he must not have heard of Brexit.

We elect people to figure these things out. I do not believe most of us have a complete understanding of the different methods of voting and, as a result, a low turnout would be most likely if a referendum were held.

Glen Gollner

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News