LETTERS: We must protect our animals

So what does it take to get government’s attention? Going into an election year seems to help.

A short time ago I submitted several recommendations regarding animals to most mayors and councillors in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD), specifically with the desire councils would adopt the prescribed bylaws pertaining to companion animals, notably cats and dogs, including basic care and handling, to spay or neuter by five months, tattoo and create a breeder permit scheme, with a regime of severe fines for offences.

Part of the proposal is to abandon selling companion animals at retail pet stores and online sites.  Transfer or sales of pets would include the breeder permit registration number on all documents.

I believe this is the solution to provide caring homes for all dogs and cats, create standards of proper care and in the process eliminate puppy and kitten mills.

Sadly, recipients contacted ignored proposals and the loss continued to be the dogs and cats.

Let me hasten to add, all the same documents and proposals were submitted to the provincial government and federal government, the latter included adopting changes to the outdated Criminal Code, hence making companion animals sentient beings, no longer property, and to accompany severe penalties and dramatic fines for infractions.

So what does it take to get government’s attention?  Going into an election year seems to help. Flagrant abuses found at several recent puppy mills, raids by the BCSPCA help.  Public support has always been evident but government moribund and indifferent behaviour has always been a stumbling block.

As well, pure-breed breeders have long been a negative self-interest force that previously held some sway but I believe the recent atrocities and media focus at last may have been just too severe for any politician to simply ignore.

I applaud government recognition of the problem and causes but sincerely hope legislation is adopted swiftly, within the next three months, and no procrastination to be evidenced in this important matter.

George Evens



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