Slippery roads may have impacted the volunteers and recipients of Meals On Wheels, but determination won out.

Slippery roads may have impacted the volunteers and recipients of Meals On Wheels, but determination won out.

LETTERS: Weathering the winter storms

Letter writers address the recent record snowfall.


With the extraordinary weather we have been enduring lately, I am in utter wonder at the calibre of our amazing Meals on Wheels volunteers.

Getting hot meals out to our clients three times a week is of great importance to us all, as is assuring that everyone on our lists is OK and not in need of further assistance. However, lately it’s been service above and beyond by our intrepid teams.

We could not all get out of our garages or did not have vehicles safe to drive under the circumstances, but others jumped into the fray.

From our relief drivers or those from other days – we have a separate team for each delivery day – everyone pulled together and we haven’t missed a day despite facing difficult odds. Some of us got mired in the snow on unplowed roads… but there were helping hands to get us going again.

Some of us sloshed through ankle-deep streams of snow-melt waters in order to gain the curb when we exited our car carrying the mealbox to front doors. Some of us staggered over pathways of sheer ice carrying those mealboxes. Some of us did double and triple duty and always with a smile.

Then there were our very thoughtful clients who phoned me, worried about their familiar volunteer risking life and limb to bring their meal.

One lady in the east end of town told me the children were having a great time tobogganing down her uncleared road and she didn’t think it safe to drive to her.

So there you have it – people on both sides of the mealbox actively caring for each other and warming hearts in the process. That is true community.

This co-ordinator thanks all most heartily and with overwhelming pride at the gumption and determination to get the job done well, safely and cheerfully.

Pat Patton, Meals On Wheels White Rock-South  Surrey

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Brunetta letter

Due in part to the politics and currency in the U.S., we decided to leave northwestern Ontario and spend our second winter on the West Coast.

We wanted to get away from the snow and the cold.

We are enjoying this beautiful part of this country; no complaints…

Oh Canada!

Sandra Brunetta, Fort Frances, Ont.




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