LETTERS: We’re in for a bumpy year


Since January, 24 Avenue between 152 and 148 streets must be the nightmare street of this year.


Since January, 24 Avenue between 152 and 148 streets must be the nightmare street of this year.

The ‘waterline project’ was a messy disaster from the start and still is, looking like a discarded and unkempt afterthought of a project.

It is a sight – broken up, patched up, the newly planted vegetation in the centre dying or dead and the concrete centres a sorry sight.

Days and weeks have gone by without a soul working there, then it’s three days with plenty of people standing around, holding up “slow” signs, holding up traffic while lots of machinery is doing godknowswhat, as it never gets ‘done’.

Driving on 24 Avenue is an extremely bumpy experience, and who knows what the future will hold for what used to be a pleasant, not-too-busy street.

Truly, the way this ridiculously slow project has been going, one cannot but wonder how long it would take in this day and age to build the whole city, roads and all in Surrey.

About 3,000 years, I presume!

Madelon Keij, Surrey



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