Letters: What is this democracy you speak of?

The title of Sandy Macdougall's recent opinion piece is both misleading and insulting to any thinking person.

Editor, The News:

Re: Maintain vigour of democracy (Sidewinder, Feb. 24).

With all due respect to Sandy Macdougall, the title of his recent opinion piece is both misleading and insulting to any thinking person.

What ‘democracy’ is he speaking of?

B.C. has the form, but not the content of ‘democracy’.

While maintaining the pretence of serving citizens, our higher politicians have abandoned their leadership responsibilities and now serve corporate agendas. The primary job of your MLA is no longer to represent you, but to keep you from interfering as corporations loot the remaining resources of the province and your children.

If you lived in a democracy, your opinion would be solicited on matters.

Your opinion, however, is unwanted, unnecessary, and unsolicited.

Maintaining the delusion of democracy is in the realm of our current MLAs, both of whom have shown nothing but contempt for the concept.

Newspapers have a higher calling, should they choose to remember it.

Ron McNutt

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News