LETTERS: What we need

Jobs, dependable jobs and dependable firms are something we need in this area as well as improved wages and working conditions.

I do not know how many times I may have come to Penticton as a child, my memories aren’t always that clear, perhaps I never came here as a child?

Since coming here in 2010, I have fallen in love with this area though. I also note that there are things that could and need to change for the better.

Jobs, dependable jobs and dependable firms are something we need in this area as well as improved wages and working conditions. We’re finally seeing the start of construction on the hospital but what about road works? Why do pot holes get dealt with quicker in RDOS territory than in Penticton?

Dog owners — as someone who has been around dogs most of my life, I love them though there have been one or two that I couldn’t bear (due to the negligence or ill training of breeders/owners), but frankly, there is a problem with dogs running loose in RDOS territory, probably in Penticton too.

There is no dog in my home and yet there was dog feces in the yard so who allowed their dog to trespass and leave its breakfast here?

Why do certain hockey players leave their nets and chairs behind on frozen ice only for those items to sink into the pond (Eastside Road)?

Why do local/out of town drivers break the law by speeding, tailgating and passing dangerously on roads when there is a solid line that should tell them to wait until they are allowed to pass?

Why did the politicians of the last election fail to pick up all of their election signs?

Why do we re-elect people like the mayor who I believe is decidedly undemocratic and arrogant?

I love this area and wish the financial times were better for everyone and that neighbours got along better with one another.

Patrick Longworth

Okanagan Falls



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