LETTERS: Where are voices raised over highway?

Nov. 24: Highway 4 receiving more attention, as is refinery proposal; and a conductor's welcome.

Where are voices raised over highway

To the Editor,

Re: City won’t grow without a good highway, Letters, Nov. 17.

I could not agree more with Mark Blackham as to his sentiments regarding a new or newer highway out of the Alberni Valley.

I don’t want to be condemning of our politicians but let’s face it: we pay a mayor and council to speak up for us and I don’t hear much talking. Sure, we get some muted lip service but we are using a feather instead of a hammer to drive home our need.

It no longer is a wish but a need for us in the valley because we are stagnant. We have shipped billions of dollars from this Valley and yet this highway has not been substantially changed since I came here in 1956.

We have a great little corner of the world here but it could be so much better.

Ernest Burnett,

Port Alberni


Writer questions economics

To the Editor,

I read with interest the Opinion piece by David Black in the Tuesday, Nov. 15 AV News (Green refineries better alternative than tankers).

He states in parenthesis: “Export refineries cannot be built in Alberta because then must be near the ocean to be economic.”

I wonder if Mr. Black could expand on this statement. I will be interested to understand the economics of a tidewater refinery vs. an inland refinery.

Further, if it is proposed to use rail cars to bring bitumen to Kitimat, surely higher value refined products can be railed to Kitimat and with much less environmental risk over land and then on the ocean.

Bob Kanngiesser,

Port Alberni


Welcome new conductor

To the Editor,

As a long time member of Timbre! Choir, I, along with the rest of our singers, was delighted that so many people came out to our concert  last May when we said goodbye to our much loved retiring conductor Pat Miller.

We invite the public to join us for our Christmas concert this Sunday, Nov. 27 at 2:30 p.m. at ADSS as we welcome our new conductor Rosemary Lindsay to Port Alberni. We feel very fortunate that she has chosen to “take up the baton”.

John Mayba,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News