LETTERS: White Rock solution


Re: New trestle scheduled, Nov. 18. 7


Re: New trestle scheduled, Nov. 18.

I was not in the slightest surprised to read the article in Peace Arch News regarding the replacement of the old bridge over the little Campbell River.

Earlier this year, a few days prior to White Rock Coun. Grant Meyer meeting with BNSF in Seattle, I left material for his attention at White Rock City Hall.

In it, I proposed that he might present the material to BNSF at the meeting regarding the bridge replacement. In it, I described exactly the methods described, complete with sketch as to how the old bridge would be removed and the new one replaced giving a time frame similar to that mentioned.

Seems that my message got across. The replacement process was born in White Rock, not Seattle.

No access road required through First Nation land, as I predicted.

John Garland, White Rock



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