Letters: Why the flip-flop?

reviewed the first draft of the Official Community Plan and there are major changes, seemingly contrary to your community’s direction.

Dear Editor:


To the District of Invermere (DOI) mayor and council… I have reviewed the first draft of the Official Community Plan (OCP) alongside the current proposed final draft of the OCP and there are major changes, seemingly contrary to your community’s direction.

I was part of the original Imagine Invermere process that engaged hundreds of citizens, took thousands of hours of volunteer time, and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to prepare a 104-page Integrated Community Sustainability Plan called “Imagine Invermere 2030.”

The final draft of the OCP,  that you are now seeking approval for, totally eliminates the need for Invermere to preserve our agricultural land, it opens the door for urban sprawl again, and it has decreased the protection of our wetlands.

Hmmmmmmm, I don’t remember seeing any of that in the Imagine Invermere document, or are we changing the name of that document to “Imaginary Invermere 2030”?

It was not only the Imagine Invermere process where citizens have expressed their desire for preserving the “Quality of Life” over “Quantity of Life.” At open houses, Columbia Basin Trust meetings, farmers’ markets, lakeshore cleanups, and countless other events up and down this great valley, we hear the same thing. Preserve and enhance our agriculture, our nature, our vibrant walkable community.

Why the flip-flop? Why patronize us? Just tell the current Imagine Invermere group that they are not needed anymore and stop wasting our time. You were elected by the people, for the people, so listen to the many, not the few.

We have scarce amounts of agriculture land within Invermere. PROTECT IT.

We have over 4,500 units of developable space within Invermere. USE IT.

We have world-class wetlands within Invermere. PRESERVE IT.

Here is a quote from a person who understood how macro systems interrelate and I think it rings true today more so than ever:

“Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist.”  — Kenneth E. Boulding

If, as a citizen, you are concerned about the directions your elected officials seem to be taking, then make your voice heard at the March 17th public hearing being held at the DOI council chambers at 7 p.m.


Dale Wilker


Invermere Valley Echo