Letters: Windy road makes Sooke unique

Letter writer thinks Sooke Road should remain as is

In your front page article on the fire that closed Hwy. 14 on July 31, Mr. Gordon Stewart apparently made the following comment, he said, “it was time that the four lanes was completed all the way to Sooke.”

I have lived in a lot of different places and have seen the effects on communities of unrestrained development. A four-lane highway into Sooke would completely destroy the character and beauty of this unique place. What a treat to drive the windy road into Langford with all the views at every turn. This road is all that protects us from becoming just another part of the big city with all the problems and hazards of the city.

Mr. Stewart, please realize how lucky you are to live here, the occasional delay on the road is a small price to pat for paradise on Earth.

Stanley Haner


Sooke News Mirror