LETTERS: Wolf cull is a savage policy

Wolves and caribou have co-existed for many thousands of years in B.C. without the extinction of the caribou.

Wolves and caribou have co-existed for many thousands of years in B.C. without the extinction of the caribou.

Ergo, it must be other, more recent factors that are causing population decline.

CPAWS reports that, woodland caribou in Alberta are on the verge of extinction. Due to industrial use, very little intact habitat is left in Alberta that can sustain woodland caribou populations. Destruction of their range has made the caribou more vulnerable to wolves.

Review a Google Earth map of the South Selkirks to see the enormous amount of clear-cut areas which have reduced the available caribou food and habitat. The access roads for logging provide trails for skidoos in winter to disturb the caribou and pack down snow to provide access for wolves to prey on weakened, stressed animals, and for hunters and vehicles to use.

The caribou will not likely survive without an immediately created, large, and protected park, even in the absence of wolf predation. B.C. should not cull the wolves. They are not the larger problem. This is a foolish and savage policy, and should be promptly rescinded.

Mike Roberts




Penticton Western News