White Rock Coun. Larry Robinson.

White Rock Coun. Larry Robinson.

LETTERS: Write here, in honour of Larry


A great man and asset in our community, Larry Robinson, will no longer been seen here. He passed away on Saturday, March 15.


A great man and asset in our community, Larry Robinson, will no longer been seen here, (City grieves for ‘courageous’ councillor, March 18). He passed away on Saturday, March 15.

“A strange place for an obituary” you may say, here on the letter-to-the-editor page.

This is not his obituary, and definitely not intended to minimize him as a person or be disrespectful to him or his wife, friends and family members.

I simply wanted to write a short letter here because this is where many people of White Rock may have known Larry.

As a caring and wise man, he was an activist in our community for issues that mattered. And often to get his point across, he would take the time to write his letters here.

If there was something in the community that needed addressing, Larry would take the time and energy to do his research and put out his opinion.

It is the intention of this writer to encourage you, members of our fine community, to follow his lead.

Larry went much further in his commitment to White Rock than most of us will ever do. He lived here, worked here, served on council and volunteered many hours to committees and groups that were focused on making White Rock a better place to live.

Heck, even at the coffee shop you knew where Larry stood! He was himself everywhere he went.

I had the privilege of knowing Larry for the past 10 years, and he happens to be one of six very special men that I personally knew that have passed away in recent years.

Too many. Too young. All very fine people.

And they all touched people’s lives while they were here.

Whether it was Terry giving away his time and free printing for fundraising, Ryan smiling on the corner and brightening people’s days, or Larry and his ongoing efforts to make important changes to our city – they all cared and they all made White Rock a better place.

This is our city, and this is an important space for people to voice their opinions and make suggestions.

As a legacy to Larry, I would encourage everyone to make a difference.

He can never be replaced, but his passion can continue.

Volunteer your time. Have an opinion. Come up with an idea. Support issues that matter to you.

And put it all in a letter to the editor.

Dr. Jennifer Hammersmark, White Rock



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