Letters: Writer on roundabouts got it wrong

May 6 letter stating that drivers must yield to vehicles on right as well as left is being roundly criticized

Editor: I am writing in response to a letter that was sent in by Mr. Evan Brett (the Times, May 6).

According to Transport Canada, the correct way to enter a roundabout is: 1. Approach — Reduce your speed; watch for signs to help you find your exit; watch for pedestrians using the crosswalks;

2.Yield to traffic to that comes from your immediate left before you enter.

3. Enter to your right when there is a gap in traffic and you feel it is safe to do so. Continue until you reach your exit.

4. Exiting — Never come to a full stop unless traffic conditions require it. Use your right turn signal to let other road users know where you plan to exit.

Exit at a slow speed watch for pedestrians and be ready to stop.

If you miss your exit stay in the roundabout until you reach it again.

Pedestrians should always use the crosswalks and cyclists are required to either ride through following the same rules as a motor vehicle or walk their bike in the crosswalk as a pedestrian.

As an owner and teacher of a driving school, I teach people on a daily basis on how to navigate in and out of a roundabout and the hardest part is everyone thinks they are doing it correctly and chances are it is the wrong way.

I hope this helps people to know the correct and safe way to use a roundabout, as we will be seeing them everywhere.

L. Rochon


Roadrunner D.A.


Please learn the rules before offering instruction

Editor: In a recent letter to the editor “Driver’s unclear on roundabout rules,” the writer expressed frustration at all of the drivers who are not following proper roundabout rules.

I agreed 100 per cent with the author’s concern over drivers causing accidents because they do not know when to yield the right of way.

Unfortunately, this writer has the rules completely wrong.

You do not take your turn at a roundabout. You yield first to pedestrians crossing at the entrances, and secondly to traffic already in the roundabout.

This is spelled out quite clearly in the ICBC “Learn to Drive Smart” guide for new drivers (page 47).

It is also explained on the Ministry of Highways round-a-bout site.

Unless there is a stop sign posted at the entrance (which I’ve never seen) you can continue into the roundabout — providing you are yielding to traffic already in the circle. That’s why you’ll see a yield sign there.

Please, fellow driver, learn the proper rules of these intersections before telling everyone else how they work.

All it takes is one driver who is not following the rules to cause chaos, tempers, and accidents.

Cam Penner,


Never stop in the circle

Editor: This is in response to the May 6 letter entitled “Drivers unclear on round-about rules.”

It appears that the only person unclear on the rules is the writer, Evan Brett.  He says that the rule, as he understands it, is that if you are in the traffic circle and someone is waiting to enter the circle, you must let them go ahead of you.  Each vehicle waits its turn.  Not so.

According to the BC Ministry of Transport, the driver already in the traffic circle always has the right of way.

That means the driver queued to enter the traffic circle must wait until it is safely clear for him to enter.  A traffic tip is – never stop while you are in the traffic circle.

Ed Wiens,


Problem is one of design

Editor: I read with interest Evan Brett’s take on the use of roundabouts.  I do not agree with the writer’s views on this.  Nowhere does it state that you must give way in both directions i.e. left and then right.  When entering the roundabout the driver gives way to traffic coming from the left only.

Exception to this would be if there was a backup on the roundabout due to road works or other unforeseen hazards.  The problem with most roundabouts in this area is that the circumference of the circle is not large enough to give drivers the time to enter and exit creating a flow for the traffic.

This is a design and space problem rather than a driver problem.  In most countries in the world drivers manage to negotiate roundabouts with ease, but only in B.C. do we seem to find a problem,  mostly down to road planning.

I agree that drivers need to take their ‘turn’ but this is not done by giving way in both directions.



Langley Times