LETTERS:TransMountain pipeline

There is, hopefully, a future generation of humans to carry on with humanity.

President and CEO Russ Girling  stated “It’s just a pipeline.”

Yes, just a pipeline, which is for the purpose of transporting oil from the Alberta tars sands, down through the USA, for export to other countries of the world. Who’s making the profit? The corporations of course. Has anyone explained to the tax payers, any of the possible future repercussions?

It’s been said many times, and for many years:  If you can imagine something it can, and will happen.

Now, can you really believe there is no future repercussions to Canada if it allows this pipeline go ahead. Has anyone asked what is the cost to us tax payers to rent/lease the land down through the USA so Alberta can get that oil on the move to other countries? It’s been stated, “this oil is for export.” Surely, the USA wants something in return, if it does allow the go ahead. Another question, how is it that we are seeing so very little of the actual “dirty sand ponds” be created? Has anyone stated or shown what is being done to clean up the mess being created? We are just shown these lovely grassy fields with nice clean looking pipelines running through. Don’t pipes rust and get rather filthy looking from the weather over time? They don’t show us that.

Well, that’s what those people will get to see running through our land, for years ahead. I’m hoping this never happens. There is, hopefully, a future generation of humans to carry on with humanity. What will the environment be like for them?

Joan Johnson




Penticton Western News