Liberal candidate backs logging road legislation

Columbia River – Revelstoke Liberal candidate supports logging road legislation.


Donald Rumsfeld wrote that “arguments of convenience lack integrity and inevitably trip you up” and it would seem that Norm Macdonald’s latest argument relating to the Natural Resource Road Act (NRRA) brings into question his integrity. He states that the legislation could have restricted your access to backcountry roads. This nothing more than fear mongering.

The NRRA is a policy process that has been ongoing since 2008 driven by MLA Bill Bennett. This legislative framework intent is to better serve the current and future needs of all resource road users with due consideration for the public interest and the environment.  Like me, Bennett is an avid hunter and angler who is interested in finding reasonable ways to keep resource roads open to the public and the NRRA process has taken great care to include open dialogue with the BC Wildlife Federation, trappers, guide outfitters, backcountry tourism operators, foresters, mining operators and oil and gas representatives.

Prior to this act roads were built by and for industry and once industry was done with the road, the Crown was faced with either having to pay to keep the road open and maintained or allow it to be closed.  The new policy will continue to support closures for environmental reasons but will allow trappers, guide outfitters, outdoor clubs or prospectors to sign a contract with the government keeping the road open and accessible to all groups. This is the process Macdonald disingenuously refers to as privatizing.

I suggest that the NRRA issue as presented by Macdonald is nothing more than an argument of convenience for political gain and is a deliberate attempt to turn people against a policy that is clearly good for rural B.C.  For me, this does not speak to the level of integrity I would hope to see from any MLA. For more information on this issue visit

Doug Clovechok,

BC Liberal Candidate – Columbia River Revelstoke,




Revelstoke Times Review