Liberals are conspicuous by their absence

Editor: Before I respond to Wally Martin’s (“Ads are like bullying”) and Tony Smith’s (“Ads create hatred”) letters, published in the March 4 edition of The Times, let me first state I am not declaring my support in any way for any current political party, be they Conservative, Green, Liberal, NDP, etc.

For the many decades I have been voting, I have voted the way I think appropriate for the circumstances of the times. Each of the political parties I’ve mentioned have all drifted right or left in their philosophies, and back again. Having said that, I have voted for all of the parties at one time or another.

The Liberals are conspicuous by their absence in the current so-called “Hate-Ad” campaign. The Liberals too have produced hate ads over the years, as have most parties at one time or another.

So why are they not responding? Is it because they do not have the budget for it? Is it because they have not recovered from Jean Chretien’s last stand or from the Ad Scam? Remember, during the Ad Scam era, it was determined the Liberals were paying party employees with cash in envelopes that was taken (stolen) from some of those infamous projects. These payments were with taxpayers’ money.

The big question in my mind then is, if they cannot rebuild or manage their own party budget, how can I expect them to manage the federal budget?

That thought is scarier than any exaggerated image any political party can conjure up in a TV commercial.

Whatever happened to the Rhinoceros Party? They were fun to watch and we could use some comic relief as we ramp up for yet another Canadian-style mud-slinging action-packed [sic] election.

Brian G. Wood,



Langley Times