Liberals need to answer for undemocratic policies

My question to the NDP and the Conservative Party has to be why are you letting the Liberals exaggerate, with all their fear mongering

Editor, The Times;

My question to the NDP and the Conservative Party has to be why are you letting the Liberals exaggerate, with all their fear mongering of 20-year-old politics? I think it’s time to focus on the undemocratic policies of the past 12 years of dictatorship: the sale of BC Rail, the sale of the Fastcat ferries for less than scrap metal price, the HST, the Carbon Tax, the Carbon Trust, Hydro’s smart meters and the run of river power projects, the LNG plant, and the billions of dollars of revenue that will come to the government coffers, just to name a few.

It’s rather ironic that the Minister of Environment and MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson is totally in favour of sending l00 per cent of LNG in northern B. C. to China and India when the people in his own riding don’t have the benefit of natural gas. The only natural gas the North Thompson is getting is coming right out of Victoria.

The HST is another great example of the Liberals’ undemocratic policies. The Liberals said they have learned their lesson. The people have spoken and they will change the tax back to what it was. However, when it came time to do that, they decided that the tax on private sales of used cars would remain at 12 per cent to make an even playing field with car lots. This is not true, and it is just another Liberal lie. What are the next items to go back to the 12 per cent tax?

Due to such short notice and prior commitments, I won’t be able to attend the All Candidates’ Forum in Clearwater on May 8. I have my doubts that this will be a very lively event; rumour has it that the chairperson and floor manager is our local undertaker!

Jim Lamberton

The Rambling man

Blackpool, B.C.





Clearwater Times