Liberals offer lame response

Regarding the article, “Parties quibble over budget” in the April 24 issue of the Shuswap Market News.

Regarding the article, “Parties quibble over budget” in the April 24 issue of the Shuswap Market News.

It was very astute of Cindy Derkaz to observe that the Harper government “has failed to present a credible plan to grow incomes and create quality job opportunities.”

After all, so far the only plan to date by Trudeau and the Liberals to grow anything is to increase marijuana production. That is exactly what Canada needs to improve the lifestyle of the low-income and middle class, more marijuana smoke.

As for dipping into the contingency fund, that is what contingency funds are for.

It is like your personal savings account that you dip into to save paying 20 per cent interest on your credit card bill.

On the other hand, it is nice to see that Mulcair and the NDP classify teachers among the wealthy.

Strangely they see income splitting as helping only the rich. In my teaching days when my wife was a stay-at-home mom and I was paying income tax at 20 per cent, income splitting would have been a tremendous help. And the child-care benefit today is much more generous than the Family Allowance we got in those days.

I didn’t realize at the time that I was among the wealthy. But the socialists believe no parent should stay home to raise their own children.

Better to send them to daycare even though there is ample evidence that home-raised children have a head start in life.

It is easy to criticize, now show us some concrete proof that any of the opposition have a viable plan.

Alfred Schalm


Salmon Arm Observer