Liberals show disdain for democracy

Open letter to Premier Clark, cabinet ministers and BC Hydro CEO:

Open letter to Premier Clark, cabinet ministers and BC Hydro CEO:

The Liberal government has dictated the installation of wireless smart meters at a cost of $1 billion dollars. This is a perfect example of what democracy should not be: no parliamentary debate or public input, and the independent BC Public Utilities Commission excluded from the process. Why?

The current public outcry is because democratic process and duty of care were not followed — citizens are rightly concerned about their health, safety and privacy.

Worldwide, citizens are rising up against this kind of government arrogance as exemplified by Minister Rich Coleman’s words. Now you are spending $8 million of our tax dollars in a PR campaign to convince us this program is beneficial and poses no risks. Experts worldwide have clear evidence and disagree with you, as do other jurisdictions. For example: no smart meters are permitted in Illinois, Hawaii and the Netherlands; only safely wired-in meters in Italy; and other European countries are choosing to reduce electro-magnetic radiation impact. Wise, precautionary governments have put moratoriums on smart meter installation while they consult with independent experts. If the safety and security of wireless meters had been irrefutably established there would be no public outcry.

Who to believe? The Liberal record on transparency, accountability and honesty does not give credibility to your spin. Who stands to gain? Liberal insiders are the first, according to The Tyee and the Watershed Sentinel. Who stands to lose? The taxpayer loses, with risks to health, (particularly children’s), increased hydro rates, invasion of privacy and job losses. Think food supply—plummeting bee populations where smart meters are installed is a concern.

I, for one, do not want wireless smart meters and I know a growing number share my concerns.

Sadly, George Orwell got only the dates wrong.

Gabriele Klein



Eagle Valley News