Liberals spin their record of fiscal management

It is odd to hear the BC Liberals state that they are the voice of fiscal reason here, contrary to the NDP

It is odd to hear the BC Liberals state that they are the voice of fiscal reason here, contrary to the NDP, and that they can be trusted in contrast to “risky Dix.”

This is spite of an overwhelming raft of evidence that points a finger at the BC Liberals and their open-pocket policy to government ministry bureaucrats and insiders. All one has to do is go back and look at policies that have cost our province by direct action and by an indecisive, fumbling premier that has again and again mishandled situations not only within our province but on a national and international scale.

I will point to the HST boondoggle. Look at how long it is taking to re-introduce the PST and GST formula. This procrastination has had a deleterious effect on our ability to rebound. Not only this, we now have a substantial debt to pay off on top of staggering deferred debt payments (debt that the taxpayer will be held accountable for). Then one can look at the carbon tax, a multi-million dollar shell game that rewards corporate friends and insiders at the cost of all British Columbians. The cost of the BC Stadium roof debacle, the fact the taxpayers funded Basi and Virk’s legal costs, the costs of CLBC executive salaries and other ministry positions that had substantial increases while asking the average British Columbians to expect less. We are systematically being told that the programs the Liberals are funding are part of their “Families first” agenda. Whose family would that be? Many programs in British Columbia have been cut, yet our spending has increased. The BC Liberals are spinning numbers and are desperate to have the taxpayers believe that they are fiscally prudent. The evidence points to the contrary.

K. Blake Newton


Salmon Arm Observer