The City Centre Library is a source of community pride, Surrey Libraries’ chief librarian says.

The City Centre Library is a source of community pride, Surrey Libraries’ chief librarian says.

Libraries are no longer just warehouses for books

People come to learn, research and participate in activities

Libraries are changing and the architecture of the City Centre Library is a reflection of those changes.

Libraries are no longer primarily warehouses for books, but are active centres for individuals and for community.

While traditional services are still important and interest in borrowing print materials is high (more than 3.7 million items were borrowed in 2015), much information is now delivered electronically (more than 415,000 e-books and e-magazines borrowed).

People come to the library to attend programs, learn about technology, and participate in community meetings and other activities.

They come to use computers, attend storytimes, do research and find a place to study and read.

There are more details in our annual report:


Striving to deliver services that people want and need, ranging from old auto repair manuals (information that is difficult to find on the Internet), to language learning tools, to help with learning how to use e-readers and effectively surf the web, is challenging, given the vast array of information and resources available to people through a variety of formats: print, audio, video and electronic.

The architecture of our new City Centre Library is stunning – and that the style and grace of the building reflects the changing needs of Surrey residents for more community based services, better access to electronic tools, an inspiring space to meet with others and a place to discover books and other resources that help people to learn and explore.

The dollars invested in the City Centre Library is a reflection of Surrey citizens’ commitment to the importance of learning and is a source of community pride.


Melanie Houlden

Chief Librarian

Surrey Libraries

Surrey Now Leader