Serving cake to the crowds at the opening of the Summerland Library are from left, Assistant Community Librarian, Dianne Broadbent, Chairperson for Friends of the Summerland Library, Pat Flett, Library page, Pascale Cadieux, Secretary/Treasurer for Friends of the Summerland Library, Anne Carter and Sue Cooper, a Director of Friends of the Summerland Library.

Serving cake to the crowds at the opening of the Summerland Library are from left, Assistant Community Librarian, Dianne Broadbent, Chairperson for Friends of the Summerland Library, Pat Flett, Library page, Pascale Cadieux, Secretary/Treasurer for Friends of the Summerland Library, Anne Carter and Sue Cooper, a Director of Friends of the Summerland Library.

Library opening a time for gratitude

The new library has been anticipated by many of us for a long time.

I have many things to be grateful for, my family, this fabulous fall weather we are having here in the Okanagan, but this month I am especially grateful that the library will finally open at its new location on Main Street.

The new library has been anticipated by many of us for a long time.

Over the past months we have watched the new building take shape, the interior come together and recently, the furniture arrive.

I am grateful for the amazing volunteers who took part in the Paperback Brigade to move 140 boxes of paperbacks to their new home across the street.

We are fortunate to have so many people who care about the Library enough to literally line up along the sidewalk and pass boxes of books down the rows and across the street to our new location.

I am grateful for the people who come to the library every day to pick out a book, to read the paper, use the computer, or some just to say hello and bring us smiley face cookies and homemade baking.

We appreciate the friendly hellos as we unlock the door each morning and see the same faces waiting to come in and start their day at the Library.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work at the library with a dedicated group of women who have awesome senses of humour. It really is a great place to work.

We look forward to seeing new faces at the library, people who we know haven’t been able to visit us due to their mobility restrictions who can now enter our street level building and enjoy all the library has to offer.

We are especially excited to watch the teens hanging out in their new space, or doing homework sitting in the Diner Booth and the children in their sunny corner of the library looking at books while visiting with Ogopogo and his friends.

I hope everyone stops by the new branch over the next few weeks to have a look around.

There are many comfy seats looking out over Main Street where you can enjoy reading your books and newspapers, or perhaps you will prefer the south side of the building overlooking the garden terrace.

There will be many new books on display for you to check out, so come on down to the library, we look forward to welcoming you all to the new branch.

Dianne Broadbent is an assistant community librarian at the Summerland Branch. Thankfully, her family will be creating an amazing dinner for her this weekend.


Summerland Review