Life’s a challenge

One reader feels that the economic spin off from coal that Alberni will realize will not stand up to the scrutiny of our descendants

To the Editor,

I have read the editorial in your July 5 edition (The future they’ll inherit). I can do little but agree entirely with the author of this column.

In doing so, I have been searching for a descriptive word and have concluded that “challenging” best describes its contents.

Many in this beautiful town seem all too anxious to embrace the handling and shipping of coal to Asian nations through our community. They in turn will burn this fuel, contributing to the pollution of our planet’s atmosphere.

I feel certain that the economic spin off that our community will realize will not stand up to the scrutiny of our descendants.

This may be considered as but one example of “spending our grandchildren’s inheritance.”

Perhaps in planning our beautiful city we should place the highest emphasis on what actions our descendants would endorse. Can we do less?

Ernie Sherman,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News