Lilee-Jean’s family says thanks

On behalf of Lilee-Jean and all her family, thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. But please do keep it up.

To all those who love Lilee-Jean,

It is nearly two months since my family was sitting around our mum’s table sharing what we were thankful for over Thanksgiving dinner. Family. Friends. Health. Love. Faith. These are all words that were tossed around. Three days after that meal, our lives and the understanding of what we have to be thankful for were all thrown for a loop.

Jump forward to present day, we’re nearing Christmas, but again, we are realizing just how much we have to be thankful for. It’s hard even to know where to start as so many people and businesses have been doing so much for Lilee-Jean and the rest of the family.

I wish I could individually name each and every one of you – but it would take a letter too long for the paper to print! We are so thankful that we live in a community that really unites around its citizens and has so completely and overwhelmingly stepped up to the plate to offer support and so, so, so,so much love.

Thank you to all the newspapers and radio stations who have spread the word.

Thank you to all the businesses who have put out jars, donated prizes, silent auction items, food, space, and so much more.

Thank you to all those who have taken it upon themselves to run and organize fundraisers.

Thank you to those who have given of their time and finances.

Thank you to those who have shared Lilee’s story with their own family and friends.

And Thank you to all who have shown their love for Lilee and her family through their words of love and encouragement and prayers. Thank you that as a community you have all been so amazing in so many ways. All this love really keeps us going.

We all want to have an impact in our world and to make a difference, and it’s awesome to see how Lilee-Jean’s little life is already doing just that. She has really brought people together and shown us what an amazing place the Fraser Valley is. plus because of her, we’ve seen so many huge donations made to Children’s Hospital.

Lilee-Jean turned one last Monday (Dec. 5th) and it has been an exciting week since then! Part of that excitement came with Nickelback’s announcement that they and their producers were each donating $50,000 to Children’s. Part of the excitement came as we saw the crazy amount of support at the bottle drive in Abbotsford on Saturday, and as we drove by Lilee-Jean’s light display on Hymar Drive. But the biggest excitement came as we got Lilee-Jean’s MRI results on Friday, and were told that her tumor has shrunk in half after these first two rounds of chemo! On behalf of Lilee-Jean and all her family, thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. But please do keep it up. We love you all!


Carolyn Putt

(Lilee-Jean’s auntie)

Chilliwack Progress