Limited-entry election forum undemocratic

Re: Forum planned, but not open to general public, April 12.

To the Editor,

Re: Forum planned, but not open to general public, April 12.

I understand that the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Young Professionals of Nanaimo to organize a forum for candidates in the federal election and that entry will be limited to members of the organizing groups.

If the objective of these ‘leaders’ of our community is to encourage more members of the electorate to vote in this very important election, I have to seriously question their strategy regarding the organization of a public forum for political candidates.

Limiting entry is absolutely no incentive.

I am an engaged member of the electorate and in my humble opinion, limiting entry is very undemocratic and not at all welcome during a federal election campaign.

Janet Irvine


Nanaimo News Bulletin