Lingerie football – it’s about choice

When is Abbotsford going to stop bashing society over the head with its self righteous, holier-than-thou attitude and join the 21st century?

Re: D. Wall letter, “Come so far, and going backward” in regard to lingerie football.

Plain and simple, it’s about the freedom of choice.

When is Abbotsford going to stop bashing society over the head with its self righteous, holier-than-thou attitude and join the 21st century?

All you have been successful in is giving these people free publicity.

But stop and think about all the other moral issues that really do need addressing, such as the rise in crime in Abbotsford, shootings, drugs, grow ops – and now being proud to boast that three Abby men make the top-10 car thieves list.

Women have choices.  And frankly, if shaking their booty on a football pitch is what they want to do to “earn” a living, surely it’s their choice, not yours.

What you all keep missing, with things like the Taboo show and the girly football is that you don’t have to buy a ticket and attend.

It is not like this is being paraded up and down the streets of Abbotsford. They are not being “press-ganged” into it.

If everyone thinks the way you do, they will not attend, therefore there will be no girly football.

On the other hand, perhaps people will enjoy it. My hat goes off to these ladies for being so brave, diving at one another with very little protection on their bodies.

Maybe we should vote to have scantily clad male footballers. I for one would love to see that!

A. Powell

Abbotsford News