Lingerie Football League in city of character?

As we wander through the “mental mire” of what the Lingerie Football League means for the city, I think of the City of Character initiative.

As we wander through the “mental mire” of what the Lingerie Football League means for the city, I think of the City of Character initiative.

From the City Of Character website I quote:

“The City of Character initiative is designed to unite us all under one umbrella of what ‘good character’ or ‘good citizenship’ will look like in our city.  A group of 60 city leaders met in April, 2011 and came up with respect, responsibility, integrity, empathy, courage and service as our key concepts or values.”

How does LFL equate to this? I would say rather the antithesis:

“DIS-respect” for women as they are treated as objects for voyeurs. “IR-responsibility” as we consider how the AESC, funded  by our tax dollars has chosen to succumb to a base sport for the sole purpose of bringing income.

“Lacking empathy” for women who choose to not flaunt themselves to generate income.

Courage… is needed for those to speak up against the “politically correct” opinion that says this type of conduct is fine, and as long as it does not hurt me there is nothing wrong with it.

Service…well who is being served here?  AESC in a desperate plea for income?

As I see it the City of Character needs an adjective to determine what kind of character we want to promote.

Jane Welsh

Abbotsford News