Litter ruins northwestern BC duck race

Many who live here fail to realize that we are the caretakers of this land.

Dear Sir:

While my nine-year-old daughter and I had planned to have a great time at the Riverboat Days Duck River Race, the plan was short-lived.

We spent the entire time picking up litter and broken glass all along the Walmart trail, under the bridge and along the river rocks.

It was everywhere, and there were a lot of young children in the area! I was nervous as my daughter had flip flops on and we had to tiptoe along numerous areas.

I picked up as much broken glass and litter as I could to pack back out in a plastic bag which, ironically, I was fortunate enough to find along the way in some weeds.

Our volunteering is wearing thin. Dog owners need to remain vigilant with their dog’s paws when walking that area. We eventually scurried down the trail to catch up to the duckies to watch them being harvested in.

Here the community is complaining about the possibility of the pipelines harming our environment – while pulling the mob mentality ‘Mother Earth’ card – when we’re already doing just fine polluting it all on our own.

I was glad that the Australian tourist group I ran into at Canadian Wholesale and invited along were unable to attend. I would have been so embarrassed if they had visited that landfill site!

Many who live here fail to realize that we are the caretakers of this land and need to live by example for our children to appreciate and enjoy their inheritance.

Maggie Johnson,

Terrace, BC


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