Little recourse to a council decision

I moved to Sidney seven years ago from North Saanich and always knew that if the market fell, I could lose money

Re: Drop unfair language, PNR April 23.

Thank you for the well done article. I have been phoning  Town Hall almost once a week starting in October. They told me I needed to wait for the developer’s presentation to the community. So I waited.

After that I was told we would be advised when Council would start discussing  the project. As close as I was trying to stay up on it, I never knew they had voted on it already. I knew going in it was a lost cause but decided to make my presentation for the audience’s sake … most there did not know the full story and the full impact.

Councilor Chad said the only recourse we have now was to start a petition but that requires a lot of time and I am a caregiver. It is so sad when you can not trust your own council.

I moved to Sidney seven years ago from North Saanich and always knew that if the market fell, I could lose money but I never dreamed the council would cause me to lose money and enjoyment in my home.

Barb Russell


Victoria News