LNG dream actually a nightmare

Premier Clark is saying that anyone who is saying no to LNG or pipelines is saying no to an individual’s security through jobs.

To the Editor,

Premier Clark is out touting LNG and pipelines and saying that anyone who is saying no to LNG or pipelines is saying no to an individual’s security through jobs. This is so ludicrous and incorrect I can barely write.

There are hundreds of studies that have been done concerning the effects of LNG plants and their horrific CO2 releases. The wells that are drilled kilometres down into the Earth with a huge amount of chemicals along with 17 million litres of water per well to retrieve the LNG for our infamous proposed LNG plants are fraught with huge problems. Every pipe joint leaks; the chemicals that are used poison our aquifers which are our drinking water sources. This chemical cocktail utilizes huge amounts of water which is also a non-renewable resource, and is finally, perhaps stored in faulty reservoirs to leach down into aquifers that are shallow and connected to our surface water.

B.C. abounds with tidal, wind, solar and geothermal power abilities. It has also been proven that more jobs have been created in the renewable energy sector than in the oil and gas sector combined. What is the matter with our elected politicians? Are they receiving too much money toward their election campaigns from the oil and gas industries that they are willing to kill us all to meet their own end?

Clark and all other politicians who are in favour of this fiasco of LNG – I am not willing to not have a planet here for my grandson. I will fight your ‘dream,’ which is every citizen’s nightmare.

June RossNanaimo


To the Editor,

Perhaps Christy Clark should do a little research before spewing forth with nonsense about who lives on the mainland or Vancouver Island. We’re not all IT folks or condo builders down here. There are very many of us who are in the heavy construction, skilled trade unions still waiting for all those jobs she promised to B.C. workers. Oh yeah, that’s when she turned her back on the trade unions and handed all the Site C work to her friends in big Alberta oil and other non-affiliated groups.

If we can step back and observe the propaganda and photo-ops happening by the Liberals, we will see through those smoke-and-mirror techniques. There’s no balanced budget, there’s only an election in full swing over B.C.

It’s time the opposition start speaking out on behalf of unemployed trades people here.

If the LNG gets moving, I hope the strong men and women in the lower corner of this province will have their chance to profit.

R. DouglasNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin